Saturday, June 7, 2014

Roller Coaster Reflection 1


Roller Coaster Blog 3

We are about to finish the roller coaster of ours, my partner Danny brought a long pipe so we can make the foam go around it. The progress we have made is good we barely get distracted and only focus on constructing the roller coaster.One of the most fast rating things was keeping everything intact because when we leave it for 10 minutes and test it, we see the box moving one of the foams didn't stick on the wall etc so we taped nearly everything and it worked. It has been going well since we started we taped everything decorated the box and made a poster. Interia effected when we got to the loops because the ball wanted to go to a continiouse motion but the loops stopped it





Monday, June 2, 2014

Science Roller Coaster Blog

We did good progress so far at first we had problems thinking about how to construct the roller coaster but we sorted it out.We used to have a problem with the loops because when we test it, it blocks the marble.One of the most frustrating things about the project is probably putting tape on the someplace over and over again to support it.We brought the materials in time and we figured how to construct the roller coaster faster than I expected.